Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Death of a Deer

So we came home a couple of weeks ago to a dead deer under the mailbox. Someone hit it with their car and then thought that our mailbox looked like the ideal final resting spot for Bambi. It only took Utah Wildlife 5 days to come and pick it up. By then a really attractive trail of blood was oozing from its nose. There was also some weird looking pink stuff that showed up nearby as well. We assume that it was the breeding area for the maggots. Why do my blog posts seem so gory sometimes?


CHEMTD said...

Wow, so you guys had your very own deer carcass for five whole days? : )
It's true though, your mailbox area is really tranquil.

- Chad

Toronto's said...

I love all the great details. It really made hungry for some deer.

Gruwells said...

From the entomologist perspective, I am sure it was a great breeding ground for many species of fly maggots. I would also bet that there were some histerid beetles, rove beetles and carion beetles hanging around. You should have flipped it over and let Joseph explore the wonderful world of bugs!
- Matt